Mums Like Us Visit Site
Mums Like Us is an online community for moms in UAE. The content revolves around everything a mom would like or want to know. It also allows readers to share articles too.
What We Did

Understanding the kind of content and information mums would to like to read online.
The overall branding of Mums Like Us was created to make every mum feel special. The logo highlights the brand name in a box with dots, denoting lights. Symbolizing pride, wisdom and dignity, a shade of purple and green hue was used. With new content being uploaded on a regular basis, a customized CMS was created. This allowed the admin to handle the entire site and upload articles easily. To make the site more appealing, more space was given for imagery. The site was made responsive allowing readers to visit and navigate the site on other devices with ease. Our objectives are; to do the branding of Mums Like Us, to create an online community for moms in UAE and the site had to be responsive and dynamic.